Our schools are bustling with activity! Making sure everything is perfect and ready to go on Aug. 31st. Great job, team!
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
getting classroom ready
sparkling floor
We're in the homestretch! Floors are sparkling - classrooms are getting their final tech check -- and everything is going smoothly! We will be ready to see our friends on the first day of school: Wednesday, August 31st!
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
tech check
cafeteria prep
The Parent Portal is Open! Sign on to your account and review/acknowledge all the items on your Sign-Off Sheet. Then - on Tuesday, 8/23 -- you can quickly access your account and find out your child's teacher and bus route, (if eligible). https://gradebook.milforded.org/public/
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
Upcoming News & Events has just been released for 8/12/2022. Enjoy! https://www.milforded.org/article/805787
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
une icon 8-12-2022
C'mon down! The Milford Public Schools Job Fair is taking place right now -- we'll be here 'til 3:00! We can't wait to meet you! https://www.milforded.org/article/797852
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
job fair sign
job fair interviewing
heather and maria checking in visitors
​The Milford Health Department has announced their Back to School COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic is slated for August 24th from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. at 336 Sub Way, Milford. Click below for details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LXJjq0TlIlBZoCaQyxF13wNeQwkx4f9h/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
Looking for a job? Stop by the Milford Public Schools Job Fair, taking place on Tuesday, Aug. 9th at the Parsons Complex (BOE Mtg Room). Many support staff positions available (non-certified). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Akunm32zHRgyiPw81YajEfvrH3w1cwuF/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
If you live in Milford ... we're "Lucky Enough." Enjoy! https://youtu.be/XhYUOZ081L8
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
It's official! We're on Instagram! Download the app to your phone and stay updated on all the latest news from the district, our schools, sporting events, activities and more! https://www.instagram.com/milfordct.ps/
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
mps insta logo
The faces of HQI3 in Milford ... powerful. @MilfordSuper
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
hqi attendee 1
hqi attendee 2
hqi attendee 3
hqi attendee 4
HQI Live -- Season 3 Has Begun! Discussion. Problem-solving. Collaboration. Teachers and the tenets of High Quality Instruction. Making MPS stronger every day. Awesome work going on here ... @MilfordSuper
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
hqi 3 first day group
group engaged in discussion
Great news! Mr. James Genova has been named as the new Assistant Principal for East Shore Middle School. Mr. Genova comes to us from the Wallingford Public Schools. Welcome to MPS, Mr. Genova! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a374JKCMnbwByX7j9o4-PoF3vwr2QqoW/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
jim genova
CONGRATULATIONS and lots of love -- from FAMILY! Best wishes and lots of love and luck to each of you! We will never forget you, Class of 2022!
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
congrats hannah
family 3
family 1
family 2
And now -- the journey continues! Congratulations, Class of 2022!! And remember, once a 'Lawman,' always a Lawman.
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
Where are we going? Howard Univ
a great future
Throwing caps
Where are we going?
Students enjoyed the remarks of Salutatorian Eva Carroll and Valedictorian Diya Daruka as they were reminded of the strength, resilience, and persistance of the Class of 2022. Students received diplomas from Board Chair Susan Glennon, with lots of smiles! Congratulations!
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
graduate receiving diploma 2
diya daruka valedictorian
eva carroll salutatorian
graduation receiving diploma 1
We stand ready to greet the Class of 2022!
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
the principal and the crowd are ready
the dais is ready
The Jonathan Law High School Class of 2022 receives last-minute instructions as they prepare for the 'walk down the hill' to their graduation. We couldn't have asked for a better night! So proud of you all!
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
the walk to the field
class of 2022 getting last minute instructions
and here they come
almost there
The Summer Learning Center is OPEN for 2022. Students are asked to keep their skills 'fresh' over the summer. There are lots of great activities, book title suggestions, math games and more. Have fun! https://sites.google.com/a/milforded.org/mps-summer-reading/home
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
summer learning icon large
And just like that ... it's over. Congratulations -- Joseph A. Foran High School Class of 2022!!! We can't wait to see where you go from here! Best wishes and all the luck and love in the world!
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
and just like that it's over 3
and just like that it's over 2
and just like that ... it's over 1
3 happy grads
And the Foran High School graduation is about to come to a close ....
over 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
caps in the air
principal max berkowitz ... congratulations
happy grad 1
happy grad 2