West Shore Middle School -- Congrats to all of you! Never forget you are a WILDCAT!! Best wishes on the next part of your journey!
Next stop -- East Shore Middle School Moving Up Ceremony! Held at Foran HS. Congrats to our 8th graders moving on to High School!
It's Moving Up Day for Harborside Middle School in Milford! Congrats to the Class of 2022 -- and we wish you all the love and luck in the world as you move on to high school!
And the result? There were many 'ooohs and ahhhhs' as Mathewson Elementary students retrieved their egg vehicles to see if the cargo survived the drop. A huge thank you to the Milford Fire Dept. for partnering with us on this project!
All eyes were skyward at Mathewson today. The Milford Fire Dept. assisted 5th graders with their final STEM project of the year: build a contraption around an egg that will keep it safe from breaking -- when dropped from 75 feet in the air!
The JLHS Senior Interns have been presenting their work and telling us about their experiences in the Internship Program -- and WOW -- the stories they shared were POWERFUL! 55 interns in all this year, all offering incredible experience and insight. Great job, all!
Meanwhile, over at Meadowside Elementary - we found lots of 'career thinking' amongst staff AND students! The month-long project used a multi-disciplinary approach with connected art projects, interviews, and more. Great work!
It's Career Day across the entire district today at our Elementary schools! This month-long project is culminating today with students coming to school dressed as 'what they'd like to be when they grow up.' Here are some 'future aspirations' from Orange Avenue Elementary.
A perfect day for this annual competition. The James Wynne Middle School Track Meet showed fierce competition, wonderful sportsmanship, and memories for a lifetime. Check out these pics!
Harborside Middle School Wins The James Wynne Cup! Congratulations to the HMS Team at the Citywide Track Meet!
We are halfway through the James Wynne Annual Middle School Track Meet. Lots of excitement. Stay tuned for deets!
The 2022 Virtual Art Show for the Milford Public Schools is now 'live.' Take a look at the beautiful creations made by our students this year.
More than 300 ceramic poppies are on display at Foran HS in commemoration of Memorial Day. Teacher Emily Plude worked with students in the crafting and installation of the art project. A group of invited guests and students attended the short ceremony today. Beautiful!
INVITATION to BID (RFP #1772): Sealed bids are now being accepted by the City of Milford for the Addition/Renovation Project at Pumpkin Delight Elementary Schools. Please click below for details:
What a beautiful night to celebrate our 2022 Respect Ambassadors! Elementary and middle school students from across our city were congratulated for their respectful, honest, and selfless attitudes. Thank you, too, to our sponsors: the Junior Woman's Club of Milford. Terrific!
Congrats to the 2022 MPS Districtwide 'Of the Year' Winners! L to R: Marty Breen (Para), Marisa Perce (Teacher) and Bridget Krauss (parent). Thank you, ladies, for all that you do every day!
We are SO proud of the West Shore Middle School Archery Club as they celebrated their recent statewide competition win -- and now are on their way to KENTUCKY for the Eastern Nat'l Championships, the crowning event of the Nat'l Archery in the Schools Program. Good luck, Wildcats!
The Milford Adult Education Program celebrated the end of their academic year today with a visit to City Hall and a personal visit with Mayor Blake. A lovely brunch followed for the participants in attendance. Congratulations to all - you are amazing!
We are honored to announce our DISTRICT TEACHER OF THE YEAR is MARISA PERCE, a Grade 4 teacher from Calf Pen Meadow Elementary. Ms. Perce has been noted as invigorating, engaging, and a wonderful teacher to all! We are so proud of you, Marisa and thank you for all that you do.
Going above and beyond! That's how our DISTRICT Para-Educator of the Year -- Mrs. Marty Breen -- is described! Mrs. Breen serves the Live Oaks Elementary School as a Paraprofessional and we are SO lucky to have her on our team. Congratulations, Mrs. Breen!