Budget Central 2024-2025

budget graphic

Here you will find all of the items related to the 2024-2025 Budget in one location.

4/17/2024: Board of Aldermen Budget Review

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Board of Education Proposed Budget, 2024-25

Superintendent's Proposed Budget, 2024-25

The Education Operations Budget process includes an intensive review from several different entities working on behalf of the Milford community. It starts with the Superintendent's Proposed Budget, which is presented to the elected Board of Education. Upon their review and subsequent vote, the budget is forwarded to the Board of Finance, where they conduct their own review. Upon the completion of their work, the budget moves on to the Board of Aldermen -- again -- for their review. The final step in the process takes place when the Board of Aldermen conduct a vote on both the Education Operations Budget and the City Budget and concludes with the setting of the city's mill rate.

NEXT UP: Board of Aldermen Review of Education/Operations

Again, this process will take several weeks as the Board of Aldermen meet with each city/education department to learn more about the intricacies of their submitted budgets. Please click on the links to review the schedule.

Meeting Resources

Milford Board of Aldermen: Budget Hearing

Milford Board of Finance: Budget Hearing Final Vote

Milford Board of Finance: Budget Hearing

Milford Board of Education: Budget Workshop
Vote Conducted

Media Coverage


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