THE GREAT RACE is June 4th but our middle schoolers need your help now. Send in your empty plastic water bottles to elem/middle schools asap -- so they may begin constructing their boats. Here is their teaser commercial -- enjoy!
over 1 year ago, Milford Public Schools
empty water bottles
Today's installment of UNE is CHOCK FULL of info -- so please take a moment to read through all the great info included! Have a great weekend, all!
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
une icon 4-28
It's almost SHOWTIME! Jay Rowe and Amy Perras take a moment out with the band for a quick photo op as they get ready for tonight's SMOOTH JAZZ FOR SCHOLARS Benefit Concert. Doors open at 7; concert starts at 8. Hope to see you here @ Parsons!
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
jay rowe band
GREAT NEWS! Milford Public Schools earned a "Best Communities for Music Education" award -- for the THIRD year in a row! We are thrilled and honored to receive this recognition. Read all about it here:
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
bcme 3 yr in row icon
Congratulations to the six winners of the Milford Fire Department's Annual Poster Contest! Students were treated to a tour of the station house, pizza and cupcakes, and swag bags during the trip. Pictured here are the winners, teachers, and fire dept. personnel. Thank you MFD!
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
poster winners
And even better ... CONGRATULATIONS to Josh Darivemula (center) for winning 1st place in the Bee (from OAVE school); on the right is Jason Rosado (from OHILLS) in 2nd place; and on the left, in 3rd, congrats to Trixie Bredbeck, from CPM. Great job, everyone!! T-E-R-R-I-F-I-C!!
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
top spellers
How do you spell W-I-N-N-E-R-S? These school Spelling Bee winners went round after round -- at the Junior Woman's Club Citywide Spelling Bee tonight, held at City Hall. The competition was INTENSE -- and the evening was spectacular. Thank you ALL!
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
all spellers
Congratulations to the PEP Graduating Class of 2023! (People Empowering People). This lively group celebrated their achievement last night. Many thanks to the Milford Adult Education team and UCONN for their support of this terrific opportunity!
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
pep graduation 2023
It's Friday!!! Before we get into the weekend, please take a look at all the latest news from MPS. (By the way, it's jam-packed -- so don't miss out on a single item!). Have a great weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
une icon 4-21
BREAKING NEWS: Tom Drew Named New Athletic Director for Jonathan Law HS. Read more here:
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
tom drew icon
Feelin' lucky? These beautiful baskets will be raffled off at the JAY ROWE's SMOOTH JAZZ FOR SCHOLARS Benefit Concert next week. Thank you to our wonderful PTA/O chapters for these donations. Don't miss it -- get your tickets for the concert here:
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
gift baskets
Need a smile? Here's our pic of the week ... students at Pumpkin Delight learn what it's like to be a pilot. This table was one of dozens that kids were able to visit during Career Day held at the school on Thursday. The faces say it all ....
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
pilot table
Future entrepreneurs at JFK shared their ideas on Tuesday evening at their Invention Convention. Students in grades 3-5 were tasked with preparing a plan, showing their engineering blueprint, and speaking with attendees about their projects. Great work, JFK!
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
shoe sizer
washer dryer
trash raven
automatic laundry doer
BREAKING NEWS: Graduation Dates Set for Law, Foran. The BOE voted and set the following dates for our 2023 graduations. Jonathan Law, Tuesday, June 13th, 5:15 p.m. Joseph A. Foran, Wednesday, June 14th, 5:15 p.m. Additional grad info is forthcoming. Stay tuned.
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
Did you get your tickets yet?? Don't get left behind! Check out Jay's website and order your tickets now! Smooth Jazz for Scholars!
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
To cap off your wonderful week off, here's a little something to get ready for next week! Upcoming News -- is here are ready for you to read. Here you go:
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
une icon
Get your tickets now for Jay Rowe's SMOOTH JAZZ FOR SCHOLARS Benefit Concert. Friday, 4/28 and Saturday, 4/29; shows start at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $50 for one night; $85 for both nights. Two great lineups. Proceeds benefit the MPS Music Dept.
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
smooth jazz poster
It's Friday! And the start of what is reported to be an absolutely terrific week of weather! Before you get outside and enjoy that sunshine, please take a look at this week's UNE. Here you go:
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
une icon
It's Official! Sean Brennan, longtime Milford educator and administrator, has been named the Assistant Superintendent of Business & Operations for the Milford Public School district. Congratulations, Mr. Brennan! Read on for more:
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
sean brennan
It's the Week of the Young Child! Our PK students across the district will celebrate with a special day-by-day schedule of events, including Music Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Work Together Wednesday, Artsy Thursday and Family Friday.
almost 2 years ago, Milford Public Schools
week of young child