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Alexandra D'aurio
Jonathan Law High School
Alexandra Tubridy
Joseph A. Foran High School
Math Teacher
Alexis Casey
Orange Avenue Elementary School
Ready to Learn
Alice Russo
West Shore Middle School
English/Language Arts Teacher
Alice Garlock
Pumpkin Delight Elementary School
Lunch Aide
Alicia Francisco
Jonathan Law High School
Math Teacher
Alicia Curria
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Grade 4 Teacher
Alicia Schimmel
Jonathan Law High School
Special Education Teaher
Alison Packnick
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Special Education Teacher
Alison Packnick
Pumpkin Delight Elementary School
Special Education
Alison Spears
Mathewson Elementary School
Alison Elliott
Pumpkin Delight Elementary School
Preschool Teacher
Alisse DeAngelis
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Special Education Teacher
Allison Marino
Live Oaks Elementary School
School Counselor
Alyson LaCroix
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Grade 1 Teacher
Alyssa Pudill
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Grade 4 Teacher
Alyssa Fratarcangeli
Joseph A. Foran High School
Alyssa Mucciacciaro
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Amanda Kemp
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Grade 1 Teacher
Amanda Aliberti
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Food Service Staff