graduation dates icon

The Board of Education is pleased to announce the graduation dates for Joseph A. Foran HS and Jonathan Law HS have been confirmed.

Friday, June 17: Joseph A. Foran High School, 5:15 p.m.

Monday, June 20: Jonathan Law High School, 5:15 p.m.

Background: In case you were wondering how graduation dates are set, here is the process that is followed each year.

Section 10-16 of the Connecticut General Statutes states a local Board of Education "on or after April first in any school year may establish such a firm graduation date for that school year which at the time of such establishment provides for at least one hundred eighty days of school." It should be noted, however, that after this date is set, if a school must be closed due to inclement weather or an emergency, the graduation still may be held on the designated day, even if at the time of graduation school has not been in session for at least 180 days.

Given that the 180th and 181st day of this school year are June 17th and 20th, these two dates are appropriate for MPS high school graduations. Each year the high schools rotate who will graduate first and who will graduate second. For the 2021-22 school year, Foran is slated to graduate the first night followed by Law on the second night.