adult learners talking

Got A Special Talent? Share Your Skills through Adult Ed

Teach a course; Earn some cash!

MILFORD – With the goal of keeping course offerings fresh and interesting, the Milford Adult Education program is working to widen the number and types of general interest courses offered this fall. And program administrators are hoping the citizens of Milford will consider sharing their talents – and be able to earn some extra cash – while teaching others their craft.

“Milford is filled with thousands of citizens with special talents – and we are hoping to share that knowledge with the greater community through our programming,” commented Rick Raucci, the new director of the Milford Adult Education program.  “We hope to hear from residents who would like to join us, share their skills, and build enthusiasm for their talent. We can’t wait to see what the citizens of Milford come up with!”

Raucci reports the program is also seeking to make connections with the Milford business community, possibly offering ‘one night only’ seminars or short courses where people can learn a new skill in connection with a business that is in operation locally. 

Milford’s programming has long received accolades for its wide variety of courses and interest level across the community and the ‘traditional favorites’ will still be a vital part of the offerings this year, (such as arts & crafts, financial seminars, computers & software, world languages, health and wellness, recreation, and more). The search for new courses to add to the customary offerings is expected to grab the attention of a wider demographic in Milford. 

 “Of course, the community’s favorites will continue to run, but we are also looking through a new lens and hoping to add a wider variety of courses, particularly those that would interest Milford’s younger adult population.  That’s why we’re inviting residents to share their talents and to consider teaching an enrichment course – and hopefully introducing our program to a new part of the Milford community.”

Proposals for new courses are welcome via the district’s online Got A Special Talent? collection form. Questions may be addressed to