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Happy Friday, Friends,

It’s the final countdown! The MPS team has been working all summer to make sure Opening Day is seamless – and we can’t wait to see everyone again.  Today’s Upcoming News & Events will, once again, focus on the most frequently-asked questions about the start of school.  This week’s issue is a bit longer than most – but we ask you to please take a moment to read the topics listed below.  We also ask you to be on the lookout for any/all communications from your child’s school.  These tend to be specific to the practices and news about your school – so read those carefully.



Monday, 8/ 28: Teachers/Professional Learning Day

Tuesday, 8/29: Teachers/Professional Learning Day


Thursday, 8/31: Regular school day

Friday, 9/1: Regular school day


“Back-to-School Central” Button Operational – ‘One Stop’ for Answers to Questions!

We are really pleased to let you know the district’s website Back-to-School Central button is now operational – and wow, does it contain a lot of info.  School hours, breakfast/lunch questions, bus routes, insurance and much, much more.  Check it out!

The Parent Portal is OPEN!

Complete a few tasks and find out your child’s teacher, bus route

The Parent Portal is now OPEN and if you haven’t done so already, please enter HERE and complete all of the requested items.  When you access the Parent Portal for this process, do not use the PowerSchool App for this process. We ask you to use a web-based browser to accomplish this task instead.

Once your preliminary work has been completed, you will be able to find out your child’s classroom teacher assignment and his/her bus route (if eligible).  If you need help or are experiencing a problem logging in, please call our BIDS department at (203) 783-3446.


When is the first day of school for students?  Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Foodservice News: Breakfast/Lunch Plans Released

When school begins this year, breakfast will be FREE OF CHARGE for ALL students in the Milford Public Schools.   Lunch will be offered FREE of CHARGE for any student who qualifies for free or reduced price lunch (as determined by the completion of the Free/Reduced Price Meals Application or via Direct Certification). If the student does not qualify for Free/Reduced Price Meals, lunch will be offered at full price:

Elementary Full Price Lunch


Middle School Full Price Lunch


High School Full Price Lunch


How to Pay for Lunch

The Foodservice Department uses an online payment system called LINQ (formerly known as Titan).  This payment platform offers you a convenient way to ensure your child can access school meals easily and quickly without having to remember to send in a check or scramble for cash.  The online portal is accessible 24/7 – so you can deposit funds into your child’s account right from your couch! Click HERE for the LINQ portal to get started

If you have questions, please call the Foodservice Department at (203) 783-3490.


Chromebook Insurance: Renew on the Parent Portal

If you’ve got kids, then you already know there’s always the potential for something to happen to the Chromebook during the year: lost (~$230 replacement cost), replacement mainboard (~$90), cracked screen (~$40), broken hinges (~$15), or broken keyboard (~$60), just to name a few.  For the $25 Chromebook Insurance program, you can have peace of mind and save a lot of aggravation when something goes wrong.  You can reserve your Chromebook insurance right on your Parent Portal account.  If you have any questions, please contact our BIDS dept. at (203) 783-3446.




Monday, 8/28: Board of Education Regular Business Meeting, Parsons, 7:00 p.m.

The next Board of Ed meeting is slated to take place on Monday evening and all are welcome to attend and learn about the issues.  Here’s what’s on tap for Monday’s meeting:  Approval of Working Agreement for Milford Association of Education Secretaries (MAES) and the Milford Board of Education, BOE Chair’s Report, Superintendent’s Report: Introduction of New Administrators, Curriculum & Professional Learning Update, Board Policy review (Student Data Protection and Privacy/Cloud-Based Issues, Service Animals in the Classroom, Exemption from AIDS Instruction, Summer School, Extra-Curricular Activities, Field Trips), Preliminary Enrollment Report, Food Service Year End Report, Talent Management and Development Report, Disbursement Report, Consideration of Minutes (7/10/2023), and Board Comment.  Always interesting!  Hope to see you there. PACKET


In Closing…

Enjoy the weekend, friends. See you next week!


-Milford Public Schools