une icon 6-16

Hello Friends!


It’s hard to believe another year has concluded – and oh what a year it was!  It is truly astounding what we, as a community, were able to do in one year’s time.  We thank you, our readers, who have taken the time to read our updates all year long. During the summer, we will continue to send UNE updates – but only on an ‘as needed’ basis – so stay tuned!  We wish you a happy, restful, and enjoyable summer and we’ll see you again next school year.  By the way, the first day of school for students is Wednesday, August 30, 2023 (2023-24 Calendar). See you then!





Monday, June 19:  Go to the Beach

Tuesday, June 20: Visit the Library, Sign up for Summer Reading Program

Wednesday, June 21: Take a Walk

Thursday, June 22: Bake Brownies

Friday, June 23: Take a Nap (it’s been a busy week)




Graduations Galore!

Congratulations to the Class of 2023!  This week, your roving reporters were able to capture the joy, the tears, and the glad tidings as we travelled to our 3 high school graduations.  Here are a few of our pics from this week.  Enjoy.

The Academy, 6/12/2023

The Academy, 6/12/2023



Jonathan Law, 6/13/2023

Jonathan Law, 6/13/2023

Jonathan Law, 6/13/2023

Joseph A. Foran, 6/14/2023

Joseph A. Foran, 6/14/2023

Joseph A. Foran, 6/14/2023     

Summer School/Credit Recovery: Recover Lost Credits in 1 Month or Less

summer school brochure

If you need to attend Summer School to recover credits you may have lost, we are pleased to report our Summer School/Credit Recovery Program is ready to help you. In less than a month, you can get yourself back on track.  There are 30 courses available – get started by completing your registration now. Click HERE for the online registration portal.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Justin Zywocinski, at (203) 783-3502, choose Option 7. Justin can also be reached at jzywocinski@milforded.org.





SAVE THE DATE: Milford’s Kickoff to Summer: Saturday, June 24th, Downtown Milford

kick off to summer

One of the bright spots of our summer season is Milford’s much-anticipated Kickoff to Summer.  Fireworks.  Food. Bands. You get the picture.  A high-profile and very well attended event. Don’t miss out!  FLYER




Milford Public Library Programming - June



All the best!

-Milford Public Schools