What's next?
The Board of Education will meet again to discuss the long range facilities plan on Monday, October 14, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Parsons Government Center. The purpose of that meeting will be to discuss goals, timelines, and public input sessions. The BOE will work with a facilitator to help guide them through this work. This webpage will be regularly updated for all to access critical information.
Supporting Materials
This study, conducted in fall 2023, analyzed the current and potential future use of our school buildings.
The enrollment projections, determined in fall 2023, outlined the number of anticipated students who will be attending MPS for the next ten years.
The programmatic improvement plans shared by our district leaders in June 2024 outline where we hope to take the district over the next five years.
This study, conducted in summer 2024, provides an analysis of the district’s buildings and operating infrastructure over the next ten years.
Projected Timeline