OHS Family News

  OHS Family News  

June 14, 2023

Dear OHS Families, 

It is bittersweet that I write our last “OHS Family News” of the 2022-2023 school year.  This year has filled our hearts with great pride and gratitude.  The support for Orchard Hills has been unwavering in commitment and dedication to making amazing experiences possible for all of our young learners.  We are forever grateful to the amazing PTA for their relentless support and tireless efforts in organizing all of the activities this year.  Our families have shown support, dedication and collaboration with our learning community.  And our staff has worked hard, demonstrated passion and relentless efforts in order to make a profound impact on the lives of our students.  Whether in the classroom, an office, the kitchen and beyond, they have shown professionalism, set high standards and a genuine desire to ensure student success.  As we say goodbye to another school year, I am confident that our collective efforts will continue to shape the hearts and minds of our students.  We will remain innovative, compassionate and energized to continue to create a bright future for all of our learners.  We wish you a happy, healthy and fun-filled summer! 


Mrs. Scionti

5th Grade OHS Dance

Our 5th Grade Class of 2023 danced their hearts out at the Carnival Themed Dance!! Just one of the many festivities our PTA has provided for this class.


Class of 2023 Mural 

A huge thank you to our 5th Grade Class of 2023.  They made a lasting impact on our learning community and have left us with a beautiful mural in our main hallway.  We are sad to see you go, but know that you have a bright future ahead of you! 

Have a wonderful summer!!