Mathewson News

Mathewson Elementary School

PAWprint                               January 12, 2024

Hello Bulldog Families,

We hope you had a PAWsitive week. Congratulations to Beau F. and Brendan G. in grade 4 for being winners of the 40th Annual Milford Fire Prevention Poster Contest!  We are so proud of your efforts.  Thank you to those families that attended our virtual PTA meeting this week. Our PTA has lots of fun things in store for our second half of the year.  Be sure to read below about some district and school based activities going on.

Love, Ms. Currier 

Important Dates

*1/15: No School in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

* 1/24: Early Dismissal @ 1:25 pm/ 4th Grade Informance (pm)

Upcoming Information to Know:

  • Our Grade 3 and 5 students are engaged in Book Bees. This initiative run in collaboration with Mrs. Wetmore helps to build our love of reading throughout the year.  Be sure to ask your child more about this!

  • Students have been working hard in world language to label and identify school locations throughout the building. What a fun way to build our vocabulary!

  • All students K-5 are working on mid year assessments and screeners in math and literacy. This information helps to tailor our instructional practices to meet each learner's needs. 

  • Grade 4 Band and Strings students will have their Informance Showcase on 1/24 @ 6:30 pm. Mr. Boots and Ms. Fehr will send home more information about this to our grade 4 families


Mathewson PTA News

Our next meeting is…..February 13 @ 7 pm

Thank you to all that attended our virtual January meeting

Upcoming Events:

February 28th Skate Night at Milford Ice Rink 6pm  (More info to come)

March Events TBD

April -Spring Dance (TBD)


District News

Room 17  and the Milford Arts Council have designed an event to showcase that Math is EVERYWHERE! Children (“artists”) in grades K-12 can use various media (Music, Digital Media, Dance, Photography, Painting Sculpting..etc.) to create a piece and share how they incorporated math. 

Artists will be invited to The MAC on March 24th, 2024 to share their creation with our community and  their  family members. Judges will be visiting all artists and selecting finalists and winners. Prizes will be awarded.  New this year, we will have CASH prizes for our grades 6-12 winner(s)! Finalists and winners will have their work displayed at The Walnut Beach Coffee House for a period of time after the event. Last year we received news coverage as well!

We would appreciate it if you could share this opportunity with your teachers and school communities. See attached flyer to display in Art Rooms, include in weekly Upcoming Milford Events and school newsletters!

Click here for submission details and deadlines or visit

Interested in judging, sponsoring or donating to our event? Email

We encourage EVERYONE to save the date and stop by to support youth education and the arts! See attached photos and a few submissions from last year!

Thank you in advance for your support in sharing and posting the attached flyer and/or forwarding this email to anyone who may help to spread the word!


~The Room 17 Team and The Milford Arts Council

Room 17, Inc. is a  women-run nonprofit organization with a mission to spread the joy of mathematics through engaging experiences,  in order to eliminate math phobia. We are deeply passionate about teaching and learning mathematics, encouraging everyone to see math all around them, and creating a community of confident mathematicians. 


News Already Shared But Still Important….

We love to celebrate your child’s birthday and make holidays throughout the year special; however, we do not allow goodie bags of any kind to come into school. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you wish to come in and be a guest reader for the class or hand out a pencil, crayons or bookmark instead.  To ensure all items are safe for all children we just ask that a gift bag of any kind not come in for birthdays or holidays.  Thank you.

Family Arrival and Dismissal Reminders (sent out in opening letter)

Student Absence Reporting Procedure:

The school attendance line is no longer the means for reporting student absence.  A new requirement is for parents/guardians to fill out the Attendance Absence Form within PowerSchool any time their child is absent.

The procedure for notifying the school of your child’s early dismissal or late arrival is the same as previous years. If your child will be arriving/joining late or leaving early, please email the building secretary, the greeter and classroom  teacher.


This form must be completed on the day the child is absent and must be completed on each day

Absent.  If you fill out the form more than once in a day, only the latest will be seen. 

You can watch the steps below in this video:

The purpose of this form is to keep everyone safe and healthy by verifying the child’s symptoms.

1) Start by logging into PowerSchool (


2) After logging in, click Forms in the left navigation.

Note: If you are on a phone’s browser and don’t see Forms at first, tap the little right-facing

arrow in the upper-left corner to show the left navigation.


3) If you have more than one child, make sure you click/tap the correct child’s name in the

upper-left corner first.


4) On the Forms page, look for the Attendance section. Click/tap the Attendance Absence Form -

Parents link.

Note: If the form never loads, please make sure you are not using the Firefox web browser.


5) Answer Yes or No to the questions and then click/tap Submit.

6) If you answer No for the following question “Even though your student is out sick today will

he/she be participating in class as a distance learner” a follow up question will appear.


Community Connections Center News 

This week's CCC News contains information and links for a mix of resources & fun seasonal activities.  Among the community services you will find links for the CT FoodShare's Mobile Pantry, and Access Health's Open Enrollment Fair. The Child Development program at Jonathan Law High School has some available spots in their program starting in the second semester.

For Family fun you'll find information about TEAM's Martin Luther King Celebration and The Everwonder Museum.

 Because of inclement weather the PDS's SPARKLER ``Ring in the New Year" Family Night  was moved  to Tuesday, Jan. 30th from 5:00pm-7:30pm  Contact the MFRC today for registration information by calling  Kathy or Judy at  203-783-3626.

Remember that the CCC Website  is updated with links to community resources. 

To locate the CCC’s web page go to Milford’s main page and click on the Menu tab & scroll down under district Information to find the Community Connections Centers! 

Have a great week!


 @ BePAWsitiveMPS

Thanks for your support in making 

Mathewson a PAWsome place to  LEARN--BE KIND--BE PAWSITIVE